19th Century French Poetry

La “Vénus de Milo” de Leconte de Lisle. Un ejemplo de recodificación sígnica en la poesía francesa del s. XIX

Literature and Music / Cultural Semiotics / The Classical Tradition / Literature and Visual Arts / 19th Century French Poetry

(2010d), «[Recensión nº] 36. Bonnejean, B. La poésie thérésienne. Les Éditions du Cerf, Paris 2006. 302 pp. 13,5 x 21,5 cm.», Revista de Espiritualidad (Madrid). T. 69, nº 275, pp. 304-305.

Poetry / Modern Poetry / Contemporary Poetry / Religion and Literature / Literature and Religion / St Therese of Lisieux / Arts, Literature, and Religion / 19th Century French Poetry / Book Reviews / Books / Book Review / Religious Theory, Philosophy, and Literary Studies / Poesía / Modern French Poetry / Poesia / French Poetry and Poetics / Religious Literature / Religious Poetry / Recensione / French poetry / Religion and Poetry / Ste Thérèse de Lisieux / Poems, Novels and Religion / Recensión / Recensioni Libri / Recension / Recensão Crítica / Book Recension / Doctor of the Church / Poesia Religiosa / French and Francophone Poetry / Poesia E Religião / Thérèse De Lisieux / Teresa Di Lisieux / Doctors of the Church / Poesia francesa / Poesia Francese Contemporanea / El Lirismo En La Poesía Francesa / DOCTORS O THE CHURCH / Poesía y religión / St Therese of Lisieux / Arts, Literature, and Religion / 19th Century French Poetry / Book Reviews / Books / Book Review / Religious Theory, Philosophy, and Literary Studies / Poesía / Modern French Poetry / Poesia / French Poetry and Poetics / Religious Literature / Religious Poetry / Recensione / French poetry / Religion and Poetry / Ste Thérèse de Lisieux / Poems, Novels and Religion / Recensión / Recensioni Libri / Recension / Recensão Crítica / Book Recension / Doctor of the Church / Poesia Religiosa / French and Francophone Poetry / Poesia E Religião / Thérèse De Lisieux / Teresa Di Lisieux / Doctors of the Church / Poesia francesa / Poesia Francese Contemporanea / El Lirismo En La Poesía Francesa / DOCTORS O THE CHURCH / Poesía y religión

Claude Levi-Strauss, De sonidos y colores

Music Theory / Aesthetics / Poetry / Claude Lévi-Strauss / 19th Century French Poetry / Theory of Poetry / Estética / Arthur Rimbaud / French Poetry and Poetics / Poetology / Rimbaud / Clavecin / Claude Levi Strauss / Theory of Poetry / Estética / Arthur Rimbaud / French Poetry and Poetics / Poetology / Rimbaud / Clavecin / Claude Levi Strauss
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